
ZED Certificate: Everything You Need to Know 

In the diversified landscape of India's economy, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role, contributing a substantial 29% to the GDP. Despite their significance, these enterprises often face challenges in maintaining...

Votes and Volatility: The Impact of Indian Elections on Market

Three Things are permanent in life: Death, Taxes and Surprises in Indian Elections. After 7 phases, 6 weeks and around 640 million votes counted, the world’s largest democracy threw some big surprises. Meanwhile, the...

Exploring Switzerland: 25+Cities, 11 days, in just Rs.90,000

No travel agency will take you to this route but here's how we travelled Switzerland with 25+ cities in 11 Days including 4 Boat Cruises for a total price of Rs. 90,000 for family...

DTAA – Double Tax Avoidance Agreement: Insights

In today's interconnected global economy, entrepreneurs are increasingly expanding their businesses across international borders. However, along with the opportunities come challenges, one of which is navigating the complex realm of taxation. Double taxation, wherein...

Inheritance Tax: A solution to ensure equality or risk to hard earned savings?

Inheritance Tax, often dubbed as the "Death Tax," is a levy imposed on the transfer of assets from a deceased individual to their heirs or beneficiaries. The Inheritance Tax serves two main purposes. First,...

Things you need to keep in mind before listing your business on e-commerce websites:

Charges There are generally 3 types of charges which e-commerce operators like Amazon, Flipkart and other e-commerce operator charge: Listing Commission: Whenever you list a product the e-commerce operator will charge you a listing commission based on the...

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