Index funds – Here’s why they’re a smart investment.

Index funds, created by John Clifton Bogle almost 45 years ago as a way for everyday investors to compete with the pros. Index funds are a form of passive investing which is an investing technique that...


Tanishq’s early commercial ads were presented in a luxurious ambiance and showed studded and diamond jewelry. All this served to win over the elite customer base. But it also served the perception that Tanishq was a high-price...

Calculate Interest under section 234A, 234B, 234C of Income Tax Act

Filing of Income Tax Returns and paying taxes are the responsibility of every Indian citizen. Failure in paying the tax or filing the ITR can lead to interest payments. It is in your utmost...

5 Mistakes which can end your trading career in share market.

Making mistakes is part of the learning process when it comes to trading or investing. Investing is generally referred for a longer period of time. Traders generally buy and sell futures and options or shares for...

Cash Deposit during Demonetisation period

It was 8 pm on the 8th November when heartbeat of every Indian skipped a beat because the Honourable Prime Minister of India announced that since midnight 500 rupee and 1000 rupee currency notes...

Why Donation for Fight against Coronavirus to third party NGOs is not a good idea?

Earlier, the trusts were formed by affluent people of same community who infused corpus money out of their own savings and carried out charitable activities in the nature of relief for the poor, education...

No Penalty u/s 271(1)(c) can be imposed on estimated additions

At times additions are made by Income Tax Department on estimated basis without having any clear evidence or iota of evidence on record to show that any particular entries in books of accounts were...

Streedhan, Pin Money and NRI Savings during Demonetization period.

When PM Modi announced that Rs with the denomination of 500/- and 1000/- would cease to be the legal tender from 9th of Nov, the whole country was stunned. This decision caused sensation in...

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